picoCTF Verify- Forensics Challenge- Walkthrough
This challenge is about verifying file integrity using SHA-256 and decrypting a file to get the flag.
Site URL: https://play.picoctf.org/practice/challenge/450?category=4&difficulty=1&page=1&search=
People keep trying to trick my players with imitation flags. I want to make sure they get the real thing! I’m going to provide the SHA-256 hash and a decrypt script to help you know that my flags are legitimate. ssh -p 59633 ctf-player@rhea.picoctf.net
Using the password 6dd28e9b
. Accept the fingerprint with yes
, and ls
once connected to begin. Remember, in a shell, passwords are hidden!
- Checksum: 03b52eabed517324828b9e09cbbf8a7b0911f348f76cf989ba6d51acede6d5d8
- To decrypt the file once you’ve verified the hash, run
./decrypt.sh files/<file>
- Checksums let you tell if a file is complete and from the original distributor. If the hash doesn’t match, it’s a different file.
- You can create a SHA checksum of a file with
sha256sum <file>
or all files in a directory withsha256sum <directory>/*
. - Remember you can pipe the output of one command to another with
. Try practicing with the 'First Grep' challenge if you're stuck!
Open PowerShell and connect to the a remote computer (server) using SSH.
ssh -p 59633 ctf-player@rhea.picoctf.net
- If you see a message asking to confirm the connection, type `yes` and press Enter.
- This step allows us to access the server where the challenge files are stored.
When asked for a password, enter:
We successfully connected to the challenge server using SSH.
Once connected, we need to list the available files
We can see the following files in the current directory:
checksum.txt (probably contains the reference SHA-256 hash)
decrypt.sh (a script to decrypt the correct file)
files/ (a directory containing possible flag files)
Let’s see the contents of checksum.txt to confirm the reference SHA-256 hash:
cat checksum.txt
We have successfully retrieved the SHA-256 hash from checksum.txt
Listing Files Inside files/ Directory
ls files/
We see all the files inside the files/ directory. Since there are many files, we need to find the correct one by comparing their SHA-256 hashes.
Running the Hash Check with Filtering
sha256sum files/* | grep 03b52eabed517324828b9e09cbbf8a7b0911f348f76cf989ba6d51acede6d5d8
We found the correct file: files/00011a60
Now we will run the Decryption Script
./decrypt.sh files/00011a60
flag: picoCTF{trust_but_verify_00011a60}
Final Thoughts
This challenge was a great exercise in verifying file integrity using SHA-256 checksums and practicing basic Linux commands.
By following a structured approach, we successfully:
- Connected to the remote server via SSH.
- Listed available files and examined their contents.
- Compared SHA-256 hashes to find the correct file.
- Decrypted the correct file to retrieve the flag.
This method ensures that we are working with an authentic and unmodified file before decryption, reinforcing the importance of checksums in cybersecurity.